Announcing the 2019 Clever Girl Organizing Challenge!

It’s that time of year when everyone else is thinking of the holidays, and *I’m* thinking about how to help people follow through on next year’s New Years Resolutions! If you’ve been following Clever Girl for a while, you probably already know that I’ve been offering “Challenges” starting in January to help people get organized since 2014. Next year will be the 6th Annual Challenge, and I’m so excited about it! 

2019 Clever Girl Organizing Challenge

The last few years, the Challenges have been focused on some niche areas. in 2018, we did Photos and Paperwork Organizing. In 2017, we worked in multiple “chapters” throughout the year on things like Time Management and Productivity, Getting Ready for the Holidays, and Spring Cleaning.

It’s been a while since I’ve done a “back to basics” Decluttering and Organizing Challenge, where we go through all the rooms in your home, and I think it’s time to go back to that kind of a Challenge! We’ll spend 16 weeks focusing on: 


If any of those spaces your home could use some help getting back to the way you DREAM they could look and function for you and your life, maybe this is the year you join The Challenge! We’ll spend 16 weeks, starting January 7th, and move from room to room until they all make you smile again!

Why do I love sharing Challenges with Clever Girl Nation? I believe it’s in the core formula for creating successful change for getting organized:

Guidance + Support + Inspiration + Motivation = Organization. 

Guidance: Have you ever said, “I need to get this under control, but I just don’t know where to start?” Well, that’s where my guidance comes in. Each week, a new assignment, with specific direction about what we’re doing and what finished looks like means you can rely on me, not your own need to plan, to figure out how we’ll get to all the spaces and systems in your home. 

Support: Support comes from me but also the other members of the Challenge. When we go through tackling it with the support and ideas from others facing the same issues, it’s so much easier to get through the tough parts and come out stronger and more successful, in a sustainable way. 

Inspiration: Success breeds success. The wins you have in Weeks 1 and 2 help inspire more commitment in later weeks. Seeing what other people can accomplish can inspire you to tackle projects head-on, too. Even being able to ask others how they deal with something that has you stuck can open your eyes to great possibility. You’re not reading a magazine; you’re sharing YOUR issue with others and they’re sharing THEIR approach with you. 

Motivation: Motivation comes from both the regular and frequent assignments, interaction with me, and the accountability that we have when we state our goals to others. 

If this sounds like a formula that would work for you, I’d love to have you consider joining in 2019! Whether people are joining the Challenge for the first time or returning to help refresh and reset their home back to the way they dream it can be, creating these Challenges and these communities have been one of the most fun and rewarding parts of running my business! 

So, is the 6th Annual Clever Girl Organizing Challenge for You?

Check out these questions and see how many “yes” answers you collect: 

  • Are you overwhelmed with too much stuff?

  • Are you wasting time looking for things you’ve misplaced, or spending money to replace them once you’ve given up looking?

  • Do you have doors you just wished would always stay closed because you can’t stand to look at what’s behind them? 

  • Are there spaces in your home you just can’t use as they’re intended because they’ve been taken over with piles of things that don’t belong there? 

  • Do you feel like you’re constantly playing “catch up” with the main rooms in your home, but never really get “finished”?

  • Does your home make you feel like the *last* place you can relax in these days?

  • Do you know you can get a handle on it all, but just need the right kind of motivation and structure?


If you answered yes to any of these questions,
it’s time to sign up for the 2019 Clever Girl Organizing Challenge!





  1. Jeri Martino

    Yes!! I would like to organize my home in 2019!!!


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