Are You Ready to Get Organized in 2022? It’s Time for the Challenge!

Since January of 2014, I’ve been leading an Organizing Challenge for the Clever Girl world! I’m thrilled to share with you that the 9th Annual Clever Girl Organizing Challenge is here and open for registration! And, if I do say so myself, it’s better than ever before!

For many of us, 2021 (and 2020, for that matter) have meant a very different way of living in, working in, and drowning in our homes! I’m leading people in 2022 to revisit the stuff, spaces, and systems in our home for a fresh start! 


Why does The Challenge help so many people?

After 9 years, I continue to bring and refine the core elements that we already know helps us make the change we crave: 

  • Direction and Guidance – there’s a plan each week about what we’re doing and how we’re doing it
  • Expert Advice – The benefit of working with a Certified Professional Organizer to guide your progress
  • Community Support and Connection – The Facebook Group is shared by people *just like you* with goals *just like yours*
  • Accountability – When someone else knows our goals, we’re more likely to meet them!
  • FUN – Getting organized doesn’t have to be boring or overwhelming! I promise!

The Clever Girl Organizing Challenge has shifted a little year to year, but the core is always focused on helping get a handle on your home (and life!) by really exploring what you own, why you own it, and where and how you keep it. We’re doing tactical work (together!) but also doing some reflection and seeking to understand what’s behind some of our struggles or how others in our homes and lives deal with these struggles differently than we do. 

TIMING MATTERS: It’s probably not surprising that I always kick it off on the First Monday of the New Year (Hello, resolutions! We’re ready for you!). I also have it running through the First Day of Spring… so we’re spending a good chunk of time to make changes happen, but it’s not forever. (And we have breaks built in, too.) 


Why do people keep coming back? 

You might be surprised to learn how many members have joined year after year, and in some cases, have been with The Challenge since it started! It’s not because they’ve failed…. it’s because they love the success it continues to bring!  

  • Our lives need a “tune up” to focus on maintaining our space and systems.
  • There’s so much to do in our homes that we can scratch the surface one year, but be ready to dive in more deeply in following years. 
  • It’s a fun and supportive community environment that makes this work more enjoyable.
  • People enjoy helping and seeing OTHERS succeed through the tasks they’ve already faced.
  • They feel GREAT about investing in themselves to make their home feel they way they dream (and know!) it can, because they know how good their progress they’ve made in past years feels. 


New this year – AMPLIFY YOUR SUCCESS with PRIVATE coaching!

Getting guidance and group support is amazing, but sometimes, we know we get better results and success with some one-on-one support. This year, for the first time, I’m offering a package with Challenge Membership PLUS two one-on-one Virtual Coaching hours with me, to be used at any time during The Challenge or throughout 2022!


Come join in (and bring a buddy!!!) to the 2022 Clever Girl Organizing Challenge!

Sign up by January 2, 2022! 


Learn more and Register here



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