Create a Cold Caddy

I’ve got a bit of a cold going on right now. It’s not as bad as it could be, but I definitely would have enjoyed the ability to stay in bed a day or two and sleep it off. Not in the cards!

But what I do have?  This week’s Home Organization tip for G.O. with C.G.O.:  Create a Cold Caddy!


cold caddy

Why would you want to spend some time to make one of these? It’s great to have everything all in one place, and know that, when you’re feeling under the weather, you can just grab this out of your linen closet and take it with you for a few days, around the house, when you’re under the weather.  If you haven’t gotten sick yet this year, you’re one of the lucky ones. But maybe take a few minutes today and think about how to prep for once this cold or the flu comes your way.


What should the caddy look like?


Well, ideally, it’s going to be something plastic, even dishwasher safe, so you can degermify it when you’re done with it, and save it for the next person who needs it.  I have this basket that makes things easy to see, easy to place on the shelf, and grab with me.


What goes in it?


  • First, the obvious:  Tissues.
  • I also like having a small bag for discarding tissues when I’m done using them (you know, instead of tossing on the table or the floor next to me, which is probably most of our go-to move.
  • Thermometer. Mine is a temporal scan, so i don’t need thermometer covers for use with multiple people, but if that’s the kind you have, have a stash of those, too.
  • Lip balm.  That can be a real life saver. Or lip saver. 
  • Antibacterial gel / hand sanitizer. For you and anyone else getting near you.
  • Throat lozenges
  • Daytime and Nighttime medicines.
  • Pain reliever / fever reducer
  • Anti-nausea or anti-diarrhea medication


Here’s mine.  


cold caddy final



Now, I don’t have kids in the house, but if I did, I’d consider making one just for sick kids, with the appropriate medication in there.  

Making one of these is a great idea… maybe it guarantees you won’t need one, like carrying an umbrella to make sure it doesn’t’ rain? Good luck and Stay healthy!




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