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The 12th Annual CGO Challenge is Here!
Twelve years ago, the Clever Girl Organizing Challenge started with just some posts on my blog. I couldn't have imagined that all this time later, it's still my favorite part of running my business! I love the feedback I get from first time participants, the "I can't...
The Magic of the To-Do List – It’s NOT about Productivity!
Every since I was a young girl, I always enjoyed a good to-do list. I loved crossing things off, and even was the kind that would sneak something on it after I’d already done the task just so I could cross it off. It’s easy to think of a to-do list as a time...
Last-Minute but THOUGHTFUL Clutter-Free Gifts!
With only days away from Christmas, it's easy to panic and to buy quick, grab-and-go, but not too thoughtful gifts, just so you can check the box. It's not too late to get thoughtful, helpful, delightful CLUTTER-FREE gifts for your loved ones! There is plenty...
The 11th Annual CGO Challenge is Here!
Each year around Labor Day, I start thinking about whether or not I want to host another Clever Girl Organizing Challenge. Do I have the time and energy for it? Do people even really want it? And then, once kids are back in school, I start hearing from last year's...
Celebrating a Milestone – Cheers to 10 Years!
🥂 TEN. YEARS. TEN YEARS!!! (See below if you're not shouting out loud with me) 🥂 Ten Years is a lifetime in a small business. Certainly, I couldn't even have imagined what my business would look like today, and if I'd tried, it wouldn't have included...
The 10th Annual CGO Challenge is Here!
It's astonishing, but 2023 will be the TENTH Annual Clever Girl Organizing Challenge. I know this, because I've done one every year, and I'm coming up on my ten-year anniversary this spring. TEN YEARS!! [Insert obvious scene from "Grosse Pointe Blank" here] It started...