Know Your Health, by the Numbers

Mondays in G.O. with C.G.O month are all about Life Organizing.  Thinking about some of the most important information in your life to be on top of:  Knowing the numbers that are important to your health!

Now, Clever Girl, as you know, is neither a doctor, nor does she play one on TV, but here’s a great collection of reputable sources for you to be thinking about your health, improving it, and having good conversations with your own MD the next time you see him/her (you know, for that annual physical you have on the books already, right??)


know your health

A great way to get organized for 2015 in this space is:

1) Read up on what numbers are important

2) Learn what yours are, write them down

3) Set safe and healthy goals with your physician and develop a plan

4) Revisit the numbers at your next physical to make sure you’re making progress towards healthier profile, all around!


Doctor Oz, talks about Blood Pressure, Waist Size, Weight, Cholesterol, and Fasting Blood Sugar.


WebMD shares info for your Heart Health: Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Waist Size


Men’s Health has a full list, with Blood Pressure, Waist Size, Cholesterol, (HDL, LDL and Triglyceride breakdown), Target Exercise per week, Alcohol per week, and Sleep.


The American Heart Association shares a great table with info on Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Body Weight.







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