It’s Day 27 of our Let’s Get Prepared! Challenge, and we’re in Phase 5: Build Your Skills. We’ll list and discuss skills within specific areas this week, as a source for you to consider what you already know, what you think you’d like to or should know, and for you to develop a plan on how to research and gain that skill.
Today, we’re going to focus on Health and Safety Skills. This is first aid, but much more than that. Some of these skills are basic skills that everyone should know. Some are a bit more extreme situations in which medical attention is necessary, but not available, and may not be available for a while.
Basic Skills Everyone Should Know:
- basic first aid skills
- proper hygiene/protection to stay healthy in the midst of a pandemic
- Heimlich maneuver
- clean, dress, (and even stitch) a wound
- control bleeding / use a tourniquet
- fire safety
- how to use a fire extinguisher
- stay warm in a cold spell / stay cool in a heat
- waves treat stings and bites from insects
Extreme Situation Skills:
- tell if a bone is broken, basic setting and immobilization
- treat burns from fire or chemicals
- treat bites from snakes
- using herbs or plants for medicinal purposes
- home dentistry
- properly dealing with waste water
- build and maintain a quarantine
- identify and deal with lice or bedbugs
- treat extreme wounds (animal attack, gun shot, massive trauma)
- if you have animals, basic animal medical awareness and care (including birthing and humane euthanasia)
Today’s challenge:
Inventory what you know, and what you don’t. If you don’t know all the basic skills, start with classes at American Red Cross or with your local adult education community. Even check out videos on youtube for instant support!
Join in the conversation over at the Clever Girl Organizing Challenge Facebook Group to learn from and to teach others as we all take on the Let’s Get Prepared! Challenge!
Reminder: Our goal here is to take steps towards improvement. The content in these posts is designed to inspire thinking, not fear.