“Kathy taught me the skills I needed” – from an adult with ADHD

I am adult with ADHD and I have been chronically disorganized throughout my life.  

Kathy taught me the skills that I needed to learn in order to maintain an organized environment. I am now able to generalize these skills into other environments including various rooms, closets, bags and my car. Kathy’s hands-on, enthusiastic and non-judgmental style made it easy to get excited about each session. I have since been able to independently maintain the systems that she set up over the past several months.

The hardest part of this process was making the phone call that was necessary to begin this process, but I am so grateful that I did.

“Kathy knows the right questions to ask…”

I had a great experience with Kathy. She was prompt, professional, a great listener, had good ideas, and very willing to help move things since I was 37 weeks pregnant at the time she came over. Kathy knows the right questions to ask so that I felt I was organizing things in the way that was intuitive to our household preferences and patterns. Even after her visit, I am still working on getting organized and creating more space in our home. I felt very comfortable opening my home and messy spaces to her. She is a great choice to get you kick-started on making your home feel like your home again without all the stuff cluttered everywhere!

You are like Mary Poppins!

“You are like Mary Poppins. You float in with an umbrella and fix all our problems!”

-From a happy client, after spending the day helping him and his wife prepare for a big move.

“At the end of the day, you’ll be in a better place, and space.”

I am a network television producer, and am keenly aware of the importance of systematic organizing.

It is all about planning, implementing, then finishing: a production schedule leading to a final product.

I have worked with Clever Girl Organizing from time to time over the past year, and have found her to have the strengths of the best television producers. She is remarkably knowledgeable, plugged-in, creative, and best of all: engaging.

Getting organized is a daunting task, as many people have discovered. Kathy, the Clever Girl, understands this when working with people. She’s great at walking the client thru the process, with patience and clarity. You will know where you’re going, and how you’re going to get there. It’ll be smooth and soothing.

She is quickly and fully responsive. Her feedback and solutions are both well thought out, and realistic. She assesses needs, applies a clearly organized mind loaded with reams of info, and comes up with practical and possible solutions.

Kathy understands organizing, and maybe more importantly, how to tailor it. Her process is fun, reassuring, thorough,

At the end of the day, you’ll be in a better place, and space.

Clever Girl Organizing gave me a kick start, when I was feeling stuck…

Kathy from Clever Girl Organizing really helped give me a kick start on an area that I was feeling “stuck” on in my home.  She helped me redefine two adjoining rooms as an office and a kids’ playroom/art area and move furniture and other items around to make each area more functional.  She helped me find new ways for storage and place items in new ways to make them more accessible.  In a short amount of time, we tackled a lot and it made the project feel less overwhelming gave me the momentum to continue.  She provided a thorough summary and a helpful list for me to keep track of my next steps.  Overall it was a really supportive and enjoyable experience.  Thank you, Kathy!

Helped us stay in our home, and continue to live independently

I have had the opportunity to use the services of Clever Girl Organizing twice in the last year.  A little background.  My husband and I are retired.  He has Diabetic Neuropathy which has caused a significant loss of movement in the last year and a half.  Our goal is to remain in our home and continue to live independently. This is how Clever Girl has helped us maintain our lifestyle:

First visit:  Cleared out our attic storage and placed items that we use seasonally in smaller containers that I can manage and placed them close to the pull down staircase.   We donated two full SUV loads to a local charity thrift shop and filled several bags with trash.

Additionally, we have several pieces of furniture that have cabinet storage.  It had become difficult to reach the lower levels and make full use of this valuable space.  Kathy selected several baskets with hand openings close to the top, which she labeled, to hold those items.  One deep basket holds placemats, another tablecloths, etc.  When I need an item I simply slide out the whole basket and make my selection.  No more wasted space.

Kathy also re-folded my husbands tee shirts in thirds so that they stand up in his drawer and don’t disappear. He has maintained them very well and doesn’t need to use his bottom drawer.

Visit Two:  This visit involved a more intense decision-making session.  We tended to have little stashes of like items in various places around our home.  We had lots of batteries and dozens of decks of playing cards, miscellaneous stationary, power cords, old electronics, you name it, we had it.  The operative word is had. Everything still useful is now in labeled boxes on closet shelves.  Easy to find.  Easy to reach.

We also installed pull out shelves in our pantry which more than doubled our useful food storage space.  Did a major clean out of the linen closet, and I am still working to meet the goals set for my clothing closet.  It’s a work in progress.

The biggest thing we accomplished was parting with dozens and dozens of VHS tapes.  The tape player left when we cleaned out the attic.  We also parted with several dozen DVD’s, most were still sealed.  I hope someone is enjoying them.

This is not all that Kathy did for us, just some highlights.  She definitely helped us meet our goals and gave us some skills to continue tweaking our home.

Is A Professional Organizer Worth the Expense?

See what Rebecca Stapler has to say over at Stapler Confessions. after having worked with Clever Girl Organizing!

What a difference

Working with Kathy has been terrific.
The changes implemented by her ideas has made a world of difference.

Business Owner, Web Development, Service industry, NY